25. des. 2009

Dec 25, 2009

I picked A up at the rehab place two days ago. She has been there for the last three weeks, and since June 23rd when the stroke took place, we have had a total of four weeks together. For five months, A has been in full-time rehab.
We went directly to A´s parents who live on a farm close by the rehab place. Yesterday we were 13 for dinner, eating traditional Norwegian "pinnekjøtt" -- meat of lamb and cloudbarries for dessert before we opened the presents. Today, A and I went for a walk in the snow to our summerhouse -- only a kilometer away from A´s parents -- and on our way there As dad together with S caught up with us. On the way back I took the enclosed picture.

A is still very much reduced by the stroke. I recon it will take another year at least before she can expect to be fully functional. But the good news is that we excpect her to be fully recovered.
Righ now I can only think one week into the future, and I am very much looking forward to the next ten days off from work.
A is still struggling with her vision. As a result it is hard for her to comprehend the full scope of what is taking place in her surroundings. She is also having problems seeing, keeping her balance, or speaking without a slur.

We have not been very good at getting out Xmas cards this year, but we do -- more than ever -- enjoy all the greetings and warm wishes we have received. The meaning and importance of real friendship and close family has never been more evident for us.

Have a great holiday celebration!


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