26. juni 2009

Test igår viste at ting er omtrent som før

Fikk denne mailen fra mine venner idag morges:

C - X called the neuro-surgeon who performed the angiogram for A. It was a very brief discussion again (they really don't disclose much do they?). But he was told that the angiogram showed normal blood vessels - which is good.

Of course it still does not explain what happened. The doctor said to X that further imaging tests would have to be done once the swelling inside that part of the brain reduces, and the blood gets re-adsorbed over the coming couple of weeks. Meantime I think X is increasingly frustrated by the lack of flow of information to you, and activities to assess and begin rehabilitation for A. He'll probably contact some people today if you don't mind.

That's all we found out for now. I will be going up to the hospital this morning. A was in good spirits when we said goodnight last evening (X came over after work) and was beginning to feel sleepy. Mainly I think she is a bit hungry so we will be pushing that question today again. Once they have assessed her ability to swallow, hopefully they can feed her properly.

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