A er hjemme fra Rikshospitalet etter innleggelse mandag kveld. Hun har fått en "dobbeltshunt" og vi håper den funker. Når shunten ikke funker, øker trykket og da øker også sjansene for indre blødninger, ikke bra når du tar blodfortynnende. Dette er en komplisert affære der både gastro, hematologi og transplantasjonsleger må samarbeide. Vi er glade for å ha A hjemme. Hun har nå blitt innlagt fem ganger siden september, og det er ganske slitsomt. A blir litt tynnere for hver gang, og vi hjemme blir også litt slitne for hver gang. Vi satser på at hun blir hjemme nå. I kveld feirer vi at A er hjemme og tar en dag av gangen.
A is home after being hospitalized last Monday. Her shunt has been expanded, and we really hope that it does its job. When it doesn´t, the pressure goes up, and this increases the likelihood of internal bleeding (bad when you are on blod-thinners). This is very complex, multi-discipline medicine, requiring multiple experts to work together with high stakes, unpredictability and tight deadlines. Not easy to be efficient, but hopefully they are effective.
Regardless, we are happy to have A home. This is her fifth homecoming since November, and we are exhausted. Everytime she comes home she is thinner and weaker. I feel the same way as a caregiver (at least weaker;-). Our hope is that she will stay home for now. Tonight we celebrate that she is home and deal with the present. The future will have to come later.
A is home after being hospitalized last Monday. Her shunt has been expanded, and we really hope that it does its job. When it doesn´t, the pressure goes up, and this increases the likelihood of internal bleeding (bad when you are on blod-thinners). This is very complex, multi-discipline medicine, requiring multiple experts to work together with high stakes, unpredictability and tight deadlines. Not easy to be efficient, but hopefully they are effective.
Regardless, we are happy to have A home. This is her fifth homecoming since November, and we are exhausted. Everytime she comes home she is thinner and weaker. I feel the same way as a caregiver (at least weaker;-). Our hope is that she will stay home for now. Tonight we celebrate that she is home and deal with the present. The future will have to come later.
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