Things are much better here, but a friend - a doctor no less - tells me that the food has not changed AT all at Norwegian medical institutions for the last 25 years. It is horrible! Maybe the horrific hospital food is what we will look back at 30 years from now and saying to each other -- the same way we now look back at past medical practices (like performing surgery on premies without anesthesia in the 70´s) -- "what were we thinking."
A is of course much better -- but down on her self for not progressing faster. She swims every day, and last weekend she mowed the lawn! Her face is still a little asymmetrical, her speech still slurred, but she is recovering nicely.
The latest MRI did not give us any more clues as to WHY she had the stroke, but we are doing another scan toward the end of the month.
Hope all is well with you. It was great to see you in New York. It really felt like family -- in a good way.
I love your translations. It will be a while before computer take over.
Give my best to M, T and Cl.
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Cy <> wrote:
hi C!i keep thinking of you two when i'm out in the world and then lose the thought to check the blog when i'm back at my kitchen computer; busy-ness takes over, i guess. anyway, your last blog was characteristically poignant. what a journey you two are having; very nordic, very strindberg.tell A i love her and can absolutely imagine how she has lifted the place; maybe she should be the nurse!! ha!here's my favorite translation from the blog:
"A so more and more common in the face he thought as he made the cabbage in a vacuum packed lefse. "I've been lucky pig," she said. "I look at those in my department who have lost their language. Some are angry, some are just sad. Some dreams just about to come home and ventilate the dog."
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