Things are much better now -- or at least I am calmer knowing that A is at Sunnaas, supposedly Norway´s leading rehab hospital. But I suspect, unfortunately, that even at Sunnaas, summer vacation is taking its toll, leaving the hospital with reduced capacity at a time of the year when the demand for health services is probably -- if anything -- higher than during the winter.
But the view is stunning, she has a single room, the staff is friendly and the air is fresh. We are not talking five star hotel rooms, but the standard is -- both in terms of the facilities and the food, is, shall we say, frugal and in line with what you would expect in a country with national health coverage for all. We are used to this, and in a weird sense, most Norwegians seem to pride themselves on the frugality with which the Norwegian system operates.
A is recovering slowly. Her speech is much better, easier to understand, but she is still struggling with her eyes, still unable to read. She now walks with poles which makes it easier for her to keep her balance and to excercise on her own without a trainer.
Sunnaas is about one hour from Oslo by car, but you can take a boat and bus which will take 40 minutes. It looks like she will have visitors every day, but you know her -- she is impatient, and I fear that she is bored silly at the moment. She has asked visitors to bring her "real" food because she deplores hospitalfood. Who doesn´t.
The weather has been beatiful with warm weather interrupted by rain. This afternoon we are picking up A to take her to the summer house where sushi will be served.
We miss you and hope all is well with you, Cl and the kids. Hope you are surviving the hoopla of DC politics too.
Thanks for the translation of a previous blog. What a crappy translation. It is going to take a while before computers can replace translators, that´s for sure.
Bearhugs from C and the girls.
On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 5:56 PM, Cy <> wrote:
SvarSlettJeg ble tipset om denne bloggen av ei jeg går til logoped med. Jeg fikk slag i en alder av bare 19 år.
Hils Ane fra Silje!(hun husker meg nok)
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